Millard County has grant money available to businesses through the CARES Act. The application needs to be submitted by November 15, 2020, 5PM. Money granted must be used by December 30, 2020.
To qualify for this grant, your business must have been negatively affected by COVID-19, or your business must have taken, or must be taking, steps to combat the spread of COVID-19. You can qualify for this grant if you have received other financial help; however, it cannot be used for the same thing. For example, if you received rent money, you cannot use this money for rent. You CAN use it in any other qualifying area.
Small businesses are critical to our local economy, and our county officials want to see you succeed. Millard County has to grant out this money soon and we are DETERMINED to take care of Millard County businesses. Please do not hesitate to apply for what you need to keep your employees and customers healthy, and your business thriving.
Here are some examples of things that you could apply for, subject to approval:
- Award grant for lost income due to closure, customer demand decrease, etc
- Cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, lysol, fogger, masks, gloves, protective gear, plastic barriers
- Contactless upgrades to your building, business; contactless ordering/shopping, contactless pay, no-flush toilets, contactless faucets, motion paper towel dispensers, mounted sanitizers, drive up window set-up/improvements, delivery set up/help, automatic door openers
- Other necessary expense to respond to COVID
There are things you cannot use the money on. It has to be COVID related. It depends on your business field and your circumstances.
Call 435-864-4316 if you have questions.
Here is the application with specifics. Mail in, or email by NOV 15 5:00PM.